6 Ways To Massively Increase Productivity #charisma on command, #charismaoncommand, #how to be more productive, #productivity hacks, #getting things done

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Everyone in the world is given the same amount of time. Yet some people are able to run multiple startups simultaneously, some people are able to learn amazing skills, and some people don’t seem to be doing much besides treading water. What’s the difference between these people?


So in this video, Ben goes through 6 ways to massively increase your productivity so that you can get twice as much done every day. Or get the same stuff done in half the time, so that you have more time to do what you love doing 🙂

The goal of productivity is not to get as much random stuff done as possible. These productivity tips are geared towards completing your highest leverage, highest impact tasks.

0:54 Killing Bob and getting things done to avoid procrastination
2:11 Make work an escape room and improve productivity
3:17 Say no to time vampires as one of productivity hacks
5:25 Avoid brain-draining activities to help with productivity
6:06 Wake up your body to wake up your mind
6:50 Time arbitrage is another of many productivity hacks

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2019/08/09 08:57

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