엄마 시리즈가 끝나서 아쉽지만, 이번주 토요일에는 올리와 함께 서울을 벗어나서 재미있는 경험한 영상이 올라갈 예정이니 기다려주세요!
이번 영상에 도움주시고 저희 엄마가 한국에서 근사한 마지막 식사를 할 수 있도록 해주신 명륜진사갈비에 감사드립니다. 저희가 갔던 식당이 여기에요! :
(참고로 자막에서는 가격이 영국 파운드화 환율 계산 때문에 9000원이라고 표시됐는데, 사실 13,500원이랍니다!)
Today we finally took my Mum out for Korean BBQ, for her last meal in Korea. It was really a very special time, and we’re really happy with how it turned out. It’s definitely been more personal and intimate than most of our series, but it was a real joy to be able to share that side of our lives with you as I share Korea with my Mum! I hope you all enjoyed the series, thank you so much for all of your support and your incredibly kind words. It really means a lot to us all!
We’re sad to see the series come to an end… but this Saturday Ollie and I get out of Seoul for a bit of fun, so stay tuned for more videos!!
Thanks to 명륜진사갈비 for sponsoring today’s episode and giving my Mum a great last meal in Korea!! Check out the restaurant we ate at here: www.명류진사갈비.kr
Huge thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this video:
Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie
Producer/Editor: Grace Park
Producer/Editor/Translator: Hyemin Lim
Editor: Sejun Lee
Translator: Hannah Kang 원문보기
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