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Pororo’s dream is to be a super hero! In his dream, he can save friends from bad guys! And with Eddy’s Dream Machine, everybody can dream what they want to dream! What dream do you guys want to dream if you have Eddy’s Dream Machine?
This compilation contains episodes 21 through 26. It’s the best kids animation and 66 minutes of fun adventures! Which episode do you like the most? or which scene? Always let us know in comments so we can bring better episodes next time! 😀
0:01 – 10:59 Episode 21 Dreams Gone Bad
11:01 – 22:00 Episode 22 A Day With Wall Clock
22:01 – 33:00 Episode 23 Harry’s House Disappeared!
33:01 – 44:00 Episode 24 Petty’s Presents
44:01 – 55:00 Episode 25 Harry And The Magical Spring Water
55:01 – 1:06:00 Episod 26 A Group Picture
Episode 21 : Dreams Gone Bad
Eddy invents a dream machine that allows you to dream what you want. With confidence, Eddy hands out a machine to each friend, and everyone goes home excited. They turn on their dream machines and go to sleep, hoping they will have the dream they want. But as usual, Eddy’s invention leaves a lot to be desired. Instead of having the dreams they want, the friends end up having slightly off-centered and disappointing dreams.
Episode 22 : A Day With Wall Clock
Everyone is visiting Tongtong today. Poby and Harry are on time and waiting for their friends, but the rest are all late doing other things. Upset about being tardy, Harry scolds everyone to be on time. As expected, the gang arrives late to Tongtong’s house. After seeing how Wall Clock keeps Tongtong on a regular schedule, the friends end up asking punctual Wall Clock to come to their village and help them to be on time.
Episode 23 : Harry’s House Disappeared
Eddy goes to Poby’s house, but no one is home. By accident he breaks Harry’s house. Worried that Harry will be mad at him, Eddy decides to fix the house before Harry can find out. Eddy takes the house to his place to fix. However, things don’t quite work out the way Eddy had planned. Unfortunately, everyone, including Harry, discovers that Harry’s house has disappeared. Eddy is on pins and needles afraid that he’ll get caught when his friends start playing amateur detective. As time passes, the friends end up suspecting one another and begin to argue.
Episode 24 : Petty’s Presents
After being praised for her sewing skills, Petty brags that she can make wonderful outfits for each of her friends. Petty works hard on making the perfect outfits based on her designs from observing her friends go about their day. Petty finally appears with her completed outfits. The friends are at a loss for words when they see her clothes. What kind of outfits did Petty make?
Episode 25 : Harry and the Magical Spring Water
More and more often, Harry ends up going home early because he can’t stand the cold while playing outside with his friends. Feeling sorry for Harry, his friends go to Tongtong to see if he can help. Tongtong tells them of a magical warm spring where Harry and them can play together. Everyone gets excited and goes looking for the magical spring. Meanwhile, ignorant of his friends’ surprise plan and feeling left out, Harry does training exercises in order to beat the cold.
Episode 26 : A Group Picture
While wiping off the dust from his camera, Poby decides to take pictures of his friends. He visits his friends and offers to take their picture. Wishing to get a good shot, the friends try different and unnatural poses which unfortunately creates both big and small problems. So Poby’s attempts to take pictures keep failing… Will Poby finally be able to take the pictures he wants?
Watch more Pororo Season 5 Compilations https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLawdY97HdndRJ8r9jzMZkk1R9GQX0GlVI 원문보기
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