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➡️ ‘Top Notch Interview’ is coming soon! For enrolment updates: http://www.jointni.com
In this video, I will teach you the tell me about yourself job interview answer so you can stand out in front of hiring managers and land more job offers.
You will learn how to answer the tell me about yourself question with ease by implementing 4 simple tried and true tips.
There are many possible interview answers tell me about yourself question, but I will show you a way that will always get the employers’ attention so that you can be hired!
Ground Rules to Know Before I Share the Tell Me About Yourself Answer Sample:
When they ask you to tell me about yourself in interview it is critical that you do not talk about your personal/family life but instead focus on your professional background and credentials.
Secondly, remember to tell a story. Not a life long story, but your professional work story consisting of your work experiences, qualifications and why you’re a good fit for this role.
4 Major Tips to Tell Me About Yourself Job Interview Answer include:
Tip # 1: Give a snapshot of your work history.
Tip #2: Make your mini stories achievement-oriented.
Tip #3. Tell the employer what you KNOW about this role.
Tip #4. Finally, tell the employer WHY you’re the RIGHT fit for what they need.
Watch the video and now you know how to approach THIS interview question, do you know if your resume is good enough to even land the interview in the first place?
⬇️ Download my FREE Resume Samples PDF document here: https://bit.ly/2vjNwMM
⬇️ Download a copy of my 10 Ultimate Resume Hacks to Land more Interviews and Job Offers PDF here: https://bit.ly/2JRQR93
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Interested in getting personally coached by Linda to enhance your personal brand, advance your career and/or land your dream job?
➡️ Click here: http://www.lindaraynier.com/standoutgethired and fill out the application form.
Website: https://www.LindaRaynier.com
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If you want to learn more about how to make your resume stand out, watch my Resume Hacks – How to Make a Resume Stand Out video here:
Also, to learn more about answering the tell me about yourself question, see:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW-yxxPMtro 원문보기
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