The Alpha Diaries – שלום פלוגה א #Alpha, #diaries, #Documentary, #war, #reserve

The Alpha Diaries

An unprecedented, groundbreaking and voyeuristic look into military reserve life in Israel, this film was shot over a 5 year period in director and reserve soldier Yaniv Berman’s life. A soldier in the Israeli army reserves, Alpha Company, Berman had unparalleled access and filmed the soldiers as they went about their military service day and night. Crossing over to the Palestinian border the camera captured remarkably every movement of the soldiers from the frenetic night-time house arrests to the quiet moments of self reflection and despair. Capturing the humiliation of both the Palestinians who are subject to the house arrests as well as the Israeli soldiers who had to carry them out, this documentary is the unique story of those who every 30 days in the year drop their normal lives and under the guise of the olive green uniform, perform the toughest, most unsettling tasks, in the heart of an urban Palestinian town. The camera penetrates the steely barriers of the military barracks and gains fresh insight into the views of the soldiers who speak frankly and uncompromisingly on a range of issues including the occupation, the conflict and the Army. A sensitive exploration of the conflict done first hand from an individual caught in the midst of the action, Berman’s film leaves us with no doubt that war leaves scars and victims on both sides of the camp.

Director: Yaniv Berman
Editor: Ronit Porat, Gabi Shihor
Music: Gad Emile Zeitune
Camera: Yaniv Berman
More footage: Omri Takoa
Sound Design: Michael Goorevich
Producer: Avi Kleinberger 원문보기

2019/10/09 01:58

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