Transforming a large basement into an UltraHD home cinema room with 2.35:1 screen, 4K projector 10 seats and fibre optic star ceiling.
High spec cinema, retro styling, combined with very contemporary touches. View the total transformation in just over 5 minutes. a big thanks to Fenella for her imaginative interior design work on this project and of course our own web site is
High spec cinema, retro styling, combined with very contemporary touches. View the total transformation in just over 5 minutes. a big thanks to Fenella for her imaginative interior design work on this project and of course our own web site is
The finished cinema area is about 6.7 metres from front to back and slightly over 5 metres wide at the widest point . The height of the original space was 2.32 Metres. This project was spread out over several months, speed wasn’t the priority and the seats were on a long delivery time.
The projector is a VPL-VW550. We needed an ultra HD projector with motorised zoom , focus and lens shift plus lens memories. This was necessary for all of the different aspect ratios to work at constant image height on the 2.35:1 screen. Absolutely everything is controlled on a single remote (and also from the client’s iphone)
these work via the control processor, This includes control of all of the lighting. 원문보기
2019/11/01 10:05
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