잉글랜드의 역사 : 백년전쟁 #6 – 새로운 미래 – Extra History #Documentary, #extra credits, #extra credits history, #extra history, #HISTORY

The 116-year struggle helped define and unite the English. In France, the wars forced the kings to tackle the separatist forces, and France would become the undisputed arbiter of Europe.
Thanks again to David Crowther for writing AND narrating this series! https://thehistoryofengland.co.uk/podcasts/history-of-england/
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♪ Get the intro music here!
*Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H

♪ Outro music: “Extra History Theme”
by Sean and Dean Kiner
http://www.thekinerbrothersmusic.com/ 원문보기

2019/11/05 18:00

Uploaded By @Vlogger

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