AWS EBS Tutorial | AWS Elastic Block Store Tutorial | AWS Services | Edureka #ebs, #aws ebs, #ebs tutorial, #aws ebs tutorial, #amazon ebs tutorial

( AWS Architect Certification Training – )
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) provides block level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon EBS volumes are highly available and reliable storage volumes that can be attached to any running instance that is in the same Availability Zone. To have an in-depth view of what Amazon EBS, watch this video, which briefs you on the following:
1. Introduction to Storage system
2. What is Amazon EBS
3. EBS Definitions
4. EBS Snapshots
5. Volume Types
6. Standard and Provisioned IOPS Volume types
7. EBS Pricing

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The topics, related to Amazon EBS have been widely covered in our course ‘Cloud Computing with AWS’.
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2019/11/15 08:18

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