그리고 음식 준비에 도움을 주신 이원일 셰프님과 이원일식탁 관계자분들께 감사말씀드립니다!
Today we had the privilege to film with two living legends, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton!! We wanted to give them a great experience and a bit of an authentic taste of Korea in their short time here, so we prepared a traditional Korean full spread with some healthy main dishes to match Arnold’s promotion of a healthy balanced diet! We had no idea what to expect filming with these two, and were so smitten with Linda’s sweet charm and impressed and a little bit scared by Arnold’s raw charisma!!!
Huge thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this video:
Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie
Producer/Editor: Grace Park
Producer/Editor/Translator: Hyemin Lim
Editor: Sejun Lee
Translator: Hannah Kang 원문보기
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