@Vlogger Share (2019): Official Trailer | HBO Share (2019): Official Trailer | HBO Based on Pippa Bianco’s Cannes Film Festival award-winning short of the same name, this feature-length drama stars Rhianne Barreto as 16-year-old Mandy, who discovers a disturbing video from a night she doesn’t…
태그: hbo
The Newsroom EP7 “Don tells the Pilot” #the newsroom, #hbo, #Don Osama Bin Laden, #plane, #newsroom
@Vlogger The Newsroom EP7 “Don tells the Pilot” The Newsroom EP7 “Don tells the Pilot” Don tells the Pilot about OBL’s death. Great drama ensues. Great scene. by request. All credit to Aaron Sorkin, HBO, and perhaps all of the cast and crew that help…
HBO The Newsroom EP10 “Montage” #hbo, #the newsroom, #Episode 10, #The Who, #Baba O’Riley
@Vlogger HBO The Newsroom EP10 “Montage” HBO The Newsroom EP10 “Montage” The EP10 montage in the middle, I added the visit by Charlie and Mac to the hospital in there to give it context. All credit to Aaron Sorkin, HBO and everyon… 원문보기 hbo, the…