인터스텔라 INTERSTELLAR 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) #Trailer, #Korean, #hd, #트레일러, #movie

한반지: http://oneringtrailers.com?m=100286
인터스텔라 예고편들: http://goo.gl/Syz06n
2014 개봉작들: http://goo.gl/tpZJuC

• 원제: Interstellar
• 감독: Christopher Nolan http://oneringtrailers.com?p=100043
• 북미 개봉일: 2014년 11월 7일
• 한국 개봉일: 2014년 11월 6일
• 음악: Dario Marianelli (V for Vendetta OST) – Evey Reborn http://oneringtrailers.com?s=100486

자막이 안 나올 경우 플레이어 오른쪽 하단의 자막(CC) 버튼을 눌러주세요.
캡션은 마우스로 위치 조정이 가능하고, 옵션에서 기본 자막 색깔, 글꼴 등을 취향에 맞게 변경하시면 설정이 계속 유지됩니다.
모바일 기기에서는 최신 버전의 유튜브 앱을 다운받아 이용해주세요.

Interstellar Official Trailer #2 English Transcript

You’re late, Coop.
Ah, we had a flat.
It’s an Indian surveillance drone.
Solar cells power an entire farm.
What did ya do, Murph?
Ah, she didn’t do nothing.
Murphy’s Law!
You’re a well-educated man, Coop, and a trained pilot.
And an engineer.
The world doesn’t need any more engineers.
We didn’t run out of planes and television sets.
We ran out of food.
Dad, why did you name me after something that’s bad?
Well, we didn’t.
Murphy’s Law?
Murphy’s Law doesn’t mean something bad will happen.
It means that whatever can happen, will happen.
We must confront the reality that nothing in our solar system can help us.
Now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world.
We’re not meant to save the world.
We’re meant to leave it.
And this is the mission you will train for.
I’ve got kids, Professor.
Get out there and save them.
You have no idea when you’re coming back.
I’m coming back.
We must reach far beyond our own lifespans.
We must think not as individuals but as a species.
We must confront the reality of interstellar travel.
Murph, I love you, forever.
I’m coming back. 원문보기

2019/10/25 11:07

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