빠른과자먹방 1 with 에리나, 브아이 QUICK SNACK REVIEW 1 with Erina & Vai #데이브, #dave, #theworldofdave, #미국인데이브, #일본인

많은 사람들이 선물로 외국 과자 계속 보내주셨었는데 너무 많아서 다 찍을 수 없어서 옛날 “스모쉬” 처럼 빠르게 여러 외국 과자 먹방 시리즈 새로 만들어봤어요. 컨셉 어떠세요? 알려주세요 ^^ 재미있게 봐주세요!
So many people sent me International snacks, and I literally have boxes after boxes to the point that it’ll take years to film all of them, so I was kind of inspired by old school Smosh videos and we just grabbed a bunch of random ones from different countries and tried them. I want to kind of make this into a series, so let me know what you guys think of it 🙂 Enjoy!
데이브 채널 구독하기/Subscribe! – http://goo.gl/bX8RUx
에리나 채널 구독/Erina’s channel! – https://goo.gl/F6l5MV
브아이/Vai’s Channel – https://goo.gl/dDAnCY
인스타그램/Instagram – [Dave – daebbuing] [Erina-Erina_hrn] [Vai-Zheyijin_vai]
페이스북/Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/daebbuing 원문보기
2019/10/26 23:24

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