Primitive Technology with Survival Skills Catch giant Lobsters in deserted island #Primitive, #Primitive Technology, #Primitive Life, #Primitive Skills, #Survival

Hi. Survival Skills Catch giant Lobsters in deserted island is our next video. In this video we made a trident for hunting lobsters at a deserted island. We use the copper we created to make the trident. We made a beautiful island. The water is clear and there is absolutely no human figure. We use oysters to bait shrimp traps. We caught 2 lobsters. We cooked and ate them. Our dog is still too small so he will stay at home and not join us to hunt. We will continue to make the next videos about original technology and wild survival skills. Subscribe to the channel to watch the latest videos. thank you.
channels: 원문보기
2019/11/17 23:34

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