Dark Souls 3 – TOP 5 GANK SPANKS #Dark, #souls, #pvp, #skillz, #Skill

Congratulations to the winners! here are links to their channels:
5- Ahmad : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQs6toKo9i4eaxIuEFp3H-w
4- Daneil Whiley : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNDVgdlYbFh9HGIcvtoEGQ
3- komreed00 : https://www.youtube.com/user/komreed00
2- show timefu : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwm7jD8h4FhMyezdKJcRTrw
1- Ahmad : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQs6toKo9i4eaxIuEFp3H-w

Next video in the series is “five more gank spanks”
Here is how you submit:

1- Send me a link to your video via YouTube, this can be found by going to the ‘about’ tab on my channel then clicking the ‘send message’ tab.
2- Describe what happens in the clip within the YouTube message or I won’t watch it.
3- Only send raw footage(no editing other than cuts).
4- You must mention in the video description that you consent/agreed to include your video in mine. This can be written in any way you like. An example will be something like this ” I allow PvPSkillz to use this video”.

Thanks to epidemicsound.com for their music:
Cinematic Quest 2 – Johannes Bornlof
And The Sky Shall Unfold 1 – Johannes Bornlof 원문보기

2020/02/14 01:59

Uploaded By @Vlogger

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