(트루스 포럼 국회 기자회견) 문재인 주사파 정권의 심각한 헌법 파괴 #트루스, #포럼, #국회, #기자회견, #문재인

We request the foreign press should note our statement which expose the serious problems of the South Korean Government, Moon administration’s severe pro-North Korea behavior.

The foreign press can download and copy this video freely and please spread this statement to the entire world.

[Truth Forum Statement in Opposition to the Constitutional Amendment]

TRUTH FORUM welcomes the news of the failure of the Moon administration in its attempt to change the Constitution within this coming June. The Constitution that embodies the Magna Carta should not be changed abruptly. A Constitutional amendment should be carried out when there are sufficient political stability and social integration. Since the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye, the Korean public is divided in half, and there are widespread disappointment and distrust towards the government and politics. As such, it is neither reasonable nor appropriate to discuss the constitutional amendment at this time.

Furthermore, North Korea’s nuclear threat has reached an unprecedented level, and there is no legitimate ground to hastily push for a constitutional amendment at this point, given the complicated and risky circumstance. The Moon administration should focus on normalizing socio-political situation, which has been mired by agitation and confusion rather than aggravating them further by discussing the constitutional amendment.

TRUTH FORUM urges the government to terminate all discussions regarding the constitutional amendment and announces the following statements.

1. We call for a thorough investigation into the illicit online opinion-manipulation scandal, by ‘Druking.’

2. We strongly oppose the constitutional amendment proposed by North Korea sympathizers.

3. North Korea is an anti-human rights regime! We oppose Federalist Reunification of the ROK and the DPRK!

4. We stand in complete opposition to all plans of the constitutional amendment! We oppose partial revisions and a promise of the deadline set for constitutional changes!

5. There is a great concern about Inter-Korean Summit prepared by the pro-North government!

6. Bring forth polices for Reunified ROK!


TRUTH FORUM and its members will continue to hold fast to the above statements and strive to restore the freedom and truth in the Republic of Korea, eventually to achieve liberation of our people in North Korea. We will work our way till the day when Korean peninsula stand strong on the value of freedom, liberty and justice

TRUTH FORUM is a student organization that started at Seoul National University in 2017. It is now joined by 43 TRUTH FORUMs of different universities in South Korea, forming the TRUTH ALLIANCE.

April 24, 2018
www.truthall.com 원문보기

2020/02/21 15:54

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