박지혜 바이올린 누군가 널위해 기도하네 violinist Ji-Hae Park someone is praying for you #누군가널위해기도하네, #ji-hae park, #박지혜, #바이올린, #바이올리니스트

한국어/MAIN/English/中国語/CD Available : http://jihaepark.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jhpviolin

Ji-Hae Park plays in her Ji-Hae Park recital on her unique way: she performs and speaks at the biggest church in Korea (biggest hall) with 25,000 audience in 2009.
It is a clip of that mega concert, the title of the song is (just the meaning) some one is praying for you. She specially enjoys to give a concert in churches on every Sunday wherever she is. She is multi-talented performer, she gives; not only classical recital(Carnegie Hall 2011), but also entertainment concert(see the most popular TV show starking on SBS), rock concert,talk concert as speaker (also on TED conference 2013), testimonial gospel concert(f.e. with 25,000 audience in Seoul), and also revival gatherings as a speaker and performer in same time.
If you have more interest or question, please visit her homepage or contact the contacts on her homepage. http://jihaepark.com
I hope you enjoy!

바이올리니스트 박지혜 독주회 연세중앙교회 2009, 2만5천명의 청중과 함께했던 공연실황입니다
http://jihaepark.com 원문보기

2020/03/29 12:33

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