간단하지만 확실한 체중감량법 ‘식후 걷기’ 다이어트무조건 살 빠지고 식후 혈당 잡고!! #킴스헬스톡

간단하지만 확실한 식후 걷기의 체중감량 효과와 식후 혈당 상승 억제 효과, 뒷받침 되는 과학적인 연구결과들을 살펴보며 확인해 보았습니다.

킴스헬스톡에서는 새롭게 발견된 건강과 관련된 알아두면 좋을 만한 정보들을 쉽게 정리해서 바로바로 전해 드리고 있습니다.
e-mail: kimshealthtalk@gmail.com (질문은 댓글로만 받습니다!)

– Hijikata, Y., & Yamada, S. (2011). Walking just after a meal seems to be more effective for weight loss than waiting for one hour to walk after a meal. International journal of general medicine, 4, 447.
– Reynolds, A. N., Mann, J. I., Williams, S., & Venn, B. J. (2016). Advice to walk after meals is more effective for lowering postprandial glycaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus than advice that does not specify timing: a randomised crossover study. Diabetologia, 59(12), 2572-2578.
– Daenen S, Sola-Gazagnes A, M’Bemba J, Dorange-Breillard C, Defer F, Elgrably F, et al. Peak-time determination of post-meal glucose excursions in insulin-treated diabetic patients. Diabetes Metab (2010) 36(2):165–9. doi:10.1016/j.diabet.2009.12.002
– Erickson, M. L., Jenkins, N. T., & McCully, K. K. (2017). Exercise after you eat: hitting the postprandial glucose target. Frontiers in endocrinology, 8, 228. 원문보기

2020/07/02 21:02

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